How Do I Create Engagement When Someone Won't Engage?

Sometimes you must admit to yourself that no matter what you say or do, no matter what feeling you convey, you can’t make another person engage in conversation. You can lay out the welcome mat and invite them in, but that doesn’t mean they will accept your invitation. And why not? They are uncomfortable, perhaps even afraid. But their reticence says more about them than it does about you. That’s why it is important to never give up on those who are slow to engage or who won’t engage at all. Whatever holds them back is a reflection of perhaps what they are projecting onto you. Whatever they think might happen is their perception of future events that may or may not materialize. Your challenge then is to consistently display patience--this becomes evidence that you are indeed open and willing to understand them where they are. When your actions, demeanor and energy signals that they really are welcome, then they will begin to allow themselves to embrace the possibility that you will accept them and what they have to say, without reservation, in spite of your differences. Don’t give up, keep trying, and you will achieve what all humanity searches for: connection with and understanding of another human being.